The Yamabiko Group has established the Yamabiko Group Human Rights Policy to ensure that all Yamabiko Group officers and employees have a deep understanding of human rights and fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights. Based on this policy, we aim to recognise a society where human rights are respected.
This policy sets forth the Yamabiko Group's approach to respect for human rights based on its Corporate Philosophy, Code of Conduct, and Detailed Conduct of Conduct. This policy is positioned as a superset of all internal documents that define the Yamabiko Group's commitment to respect human rights.
This policy applies to all officers and employees (including non-regular employees) of the Yamabiko Group.
3.Clarification of Expectations
The Yamabiko Group will continue to encourage its business partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders to support and adopt this policy and to work together to promote respect for human rights.
4.Statement of Commitment to Respect Internationally Recognized Human Rights
The Yamabiko Group respects the human rights listed in the internationally recognized “International Bill of Human Rights” (“Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, and “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”) and the International Labor Organization's (ILO) “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”. We will also conduct our business activities in accordance with the United Nations “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”.
5.Relationship between Responsibility to Respect Human Rights and Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The Yamabiko Group will comply with the laws and regulations applicable in each country and region in which it operates. However, if there is a conflict between the laws and regulations of each country or region and international human rights principles, we will seek ways to respect international human rights principles.
6.Key Principles for the Yamabiko Group
The Yamabiko Group respects the human rights of all officers and employees, customers, community members, business partners, and other stakeholders.
The Yamabiko Group prohibits:
・Harassment (power harassment, sexual harassment, etc.) ・Forced labor, child labor・Discrimination of any kind (discrimination based on attribute or employment status (regular or irregular) that has no bearing on the work to be performed, including race, ethnicity, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status (including sexual orientation, health status, or disability)).
Furthermore, the Yamabiko Group protects freedom of association and provides for appropriate working conditions and safe working environments, including living wages, working hours, occupational health and safety, etc.
We will also provide safe products and services to our customers, disclose appropriate information, and coexist in partnership with the local community, taking into consideration the potential impact of the Yamabiko Group's business activities on the environment and other aspects of the local community.
The Yamabiko Group will review its priorities as necessary in light of changes in the social and business environment.
7.How to Implement Initiatives to Respect Human Rights
The Yamabiko Group identifies and assesses negative impacts on human rights that may occur not only within the Yamabiko Group, but also within its supply chain through a system of human rights due diligence, endeavoring to prevent and mitigate such negative impacts. If it becomes clear that the Yamabiko Group has caused or contributed to the negative impacts on human rights, we will take appropriate steps to correct and remedy the situation.
The Yamabiko Group will consult and discuss with relevant stakeholders in implementing this policy. Further, we will provide our officers and employees with education and training to ensure that this policy is effectively implemented.
The Yamabiko Group will report on its continuing progress toward respecting human rights on this policy though our website or other means.
Enacted:October 1st, 2024
Representative Director, President and CEO Yamabiko Corporation